I’ve had a very difficult life walking around with this face. For years I’ve been teased and belittled for my looks.
I remember looking in the mirror as a teen trying in vain to put on makeup in the girl’s bathroom and having someone come in and say, “I don’t know why you are looking at yourself in the mirror you’re not pretty.” Every name you can imagine I’ve been called, “Wildebeest”, “fat”, “hideous”. A boss once marveled, “She has a boyfriend?” It hurts to hear these things and feel this way. I want to finally wake up one day and have confidence in myself.
I’ve worked very hard throughout my life. I am a single mom of two beautiful girls. I pulled myself up out of poverty, got a Bachelor’s and work in a successful career, but it’s not enough. I still feel like I haven’t achieved it all. That is why I am here and YOU can help.
I’m looking to not only have rhinoplasty this summer, but I would like to have genioplasty to help soften my chin or botox to the masseter and eyes for a lift, and fillers. I know it is a lot and will be a long process, but I know with a little work I will be proud to see my face in the mirror one day.
Please help make a difference in someone’s life today.