life is so fickle… i was an ugly kid- had crappy time with bullies, ect. i changed everything about myself and was less ugly in high school- i got to go to prom with a friend- i’m pretty sure it was sympathy. i was ok in my 20’s- 30’s— at least enough to spawn kids. now, at 42 i am back to ground zero. a mix of bad decisions and giving up on myself have left me disgusting, ugly and floppy faced. the twitter pic was 3? yrs ago… if you are crazy rich, feel like donating to un-ugly someone, HALP MEH! i promise b4 and after pics of your rescue- and receipts from all donations will be scanned and sent from the office i chose. (it was the least expensive btw- desperate!)
if you made it this far, thank you for reading. donate or not, it was cool that you stopped by. have a good one.