Dear reader,
A few years ago I got rhinoplasty done, due to my insecurity regarding my nose, which I suffered from for many years.
Finally the moment was there and the surgery went well. At first it seemed well done, recovery went fast.
Unfortunately after a few months I noticed flaws. My nose got smaller due to surgery, however somehow in certain angels my nose appears even bigger than it was, how terribly frustrating. Besided there is a very noticable piece of nosebridge that they did not correctly evened out. Very visible to the eye and it just look so off.
Also they lefty the tip exceptionally big in comparisment to the rest of the nosebridge, making it look unusually large. Besides that, the bridge is not straight but makes a weird twirl. Just writing this all down makes me feel so miserable.
They also left a piece of wire inside, that won’t disolve, creating a constant inflamation/redness in the tip of the nose.
For someone that is extremely depended on my looks, eventhough I am trying to learn it’s all about the inside, I feel so insecure due to the written above. The costs were high. And at the moment financialy it is just impossible to get the money together due to private circumstances. I’m just feeling off, insecure and got in this viscious circle.
I decided the only way out is by getting the rhinoplasty done again, and this time correctly.
I feel like when it’s finally done the right way, I can move on with my life, feeling secure about my looks and be the happy person I always was.
I would like to thank anyone for considering helping me out with this matter. I means so much to me that you are even taking time reading this. I’m in a bad place at the moment and I never was like this before. Always was the happy, joyful person with a lot of light and love to give. Still have it in me but now it has to come out again.
Lots of Light and Love and thank you, you help means so much to me.
I am a very private person and posting photo’s regarding this subject I normally won’t even consider. I am just open and honest about this. It would make me feel like I’m exposing (parts) of myself. I hope you can somehow relate to that. However I do want to give an impression on this. Some might think it looks quite alright, but I just know it’s not, not for me at least. But I think I made that clear in the description. is the address you can use to help me out.