Hi! My name is Maria and I’m 22! I’m looking to get a non-surgical procedure done to fix my double chin! It’s called cool sculpting! Using a machine they freeze and reduce the size of the fat cells in certain areas!
I’m a very confident woman and just wanna do so small things so I can love myself even more! No more trying to suck in the double chin during photos! (Or all the time) in photos I’ve learned to angel the right way so I look good but I’d like it look good in real life and from my profile! I live with my parents and am saving for a home and can’t afford this alone!
I would also LOVE to do my inner thighs! But that it a second goal! I love my big sexy thighs but inner thigh chafing is not fun! Also not a easy place to workout. That cool sculpting is $1,500!
I would love any support! Xo
Cool sculpting chin goal: $1,400