My face is sagging from the nightmare of total mouth reconstruction, and I want to look beautiful again ! My dentist did not tell me I had periodontal disease. By the time it was discovered by a new dentist only 3 of my teeth could be saved. I used my life savings to get a complete reconstruction of my mouth . I had a sinus lift, 13 bone grafts, 13 implants placed in my mouth. My new teeth are beautiful, but not on a wrinkled face . Even my neck is starting t look bad. The pain and stress of three years of surgeries on my mouth has given me sagging jowls, droopy eyes, huge lines in the corners of my mouth , and many wrinkles. I will need fillers in my cheeks and some injections for deep wrinkles as well. It ruined everything my previous face lift accomplished. My goal is $15,000 To cover it all. The last photo is me now. The other two are of me after my facelift.