i am girl in 20s who was born with almost men face i hated every minute in my life since i ever saw mirror i am living hell in life and now i am homesick since years i got enough bully at school i was always insulted and laughed from i am just waiting god mercy i dont have any fund or income to afford surgery plus in my country there is no cosmetic surgery i have no social life i am totally depressed and anxious my face ruined my life health career everything i never had confidence on myself or self esteem i cried day night i only wished one day i shift this face and i can look in mirror and go out to face people like humans or take pictures and post it online proud
i am in real pain unlimited do help me i need many surgeries t set this face when you see it you ll realize how can girl live with such face save me because if not surgery only death can save me
save my life because only surgery can rescue me