Dear friends,
I am a 24 year old medical student.
I inherited many great things from my father, and unfortunately he also blessed me with a huge nose. I wish it would be only wide, or long or had only bumps. But is has all of those characteristics… I never liked it, and even as a kid I was embarrassed.
My first memories are those created almost always when I went out with my father. Since he is a doctor, many people know him; they approached him quite frequently and often they asked: “So this is your daughter? She has your nose!” My father was not ideal, so being identified with him was awful.
(By the way, my father has changed a lot over the years and is a great and caring person now.)
The other memories I carry with me, are from summer camps which I attended from a very young age. When waking up in the morning, my nose was huge and swollen so I ended up holding it under running cold water for several minutes to “size it down”. Then, while eating breakfast with the other kids, I would hide my face behind my free hand because I was so ashamed.
With the years my nose only grew. I shed many many tears. Sometimes I had moments of acceptance, but it is and has been a constant struggle and suffer. I am ashamed to see myself in photos, especially the ones made with a flash. I dislike having pictures taken of myself. Everywhere I travel to, I only have photos of myself from behind.
Recently my ex-boyfriend gave me a movie, with all video footages he has of me, as a present… It’s a 49 minute movie with very personal shots and all I could focus on was my nose.
Since my graduation is slowly slowly coming closer, I would like to have beautiful memories form that day. But also to finally look into the mirror and like myself.
I study in Poland. Medical studies are very hard and are comparable to a full time job. I would love to work in my free time and have the possibility to earn the money myself, but the salary is really low (1,50 -3 Euros / hour). During summer, I spend most time in the hospital doing unpaid internships which are part of my educational program.
A total nose correction costs around 3000 Euros when performed in Poland.
Feel free to contact me if you want to talk, ask questions .. I can offer you before and after pictures, although I am aware that it might be not as exciting as for example a breast augmentation. I may also share the video with you that I mentioned above.
I appreciate your support a lot.