Hi, my name is Alejandra and I’m looking to possibly get a nose job. I’ve been extremely insecure about my nose since I was in elementary. I hated and still hate my nose. Since I was 19, I’ve been trying to save up for a nose job. Although,It was hard with a part time job while paying bills and rent…. not to mention I wasn’t working a lot because I was going to school. When I was 20, I got pregnant with my son Azrael. I had to tap into my nose job savings to pay for necessities. Then when my son was born we found out he had Down syndrome, he stayed in the NICU for almost 2 months due to him having a hole in his heart and having difficulties breathing. He also had 2 surgeries for Hirschsprung’s disease. We had to pay to stay in a hotel near the hospital my son was at. So now, my savings are gone.
If you can please help me, It would be greatly appreciated.
New Mom looking for a nose job.