I grew up being verbally and physically abused by my father who raised us.
I knew I had emotional problems as soon as I hit puberty.
For over 30 years I sought help from more psychiatrist, and therapist than I can count. I was on various medications over those three decades, and not one of them helped me feel normal. I had plenty of friends when I was younger but never felt like I was truly part of the crowd. My career was ruined by my inability to control my emotions, just as my personal relationships were ruined.
March 10, 1015, at age 52, I did not want to live in the deep emotional pain any longer and that there didn’t seem any other option but to end my life. I survived an overdose of 30 seroquel and after 2 days on life support and two weeks in the hospital I went home. As a result of that decision I was fired, lost my home and found out the many, many friends I thought I had dwindled to a few.
Then I found DBT therapy and it has changed my life, the way I think, and now my emotions don’t control, I control them…for the most part.
Here I am at 54, I missed my life battling mental illness, I finally won, haven’t taken meds in over a year and I now I can’t even get a job because I look so old (our society is age prejudice). Besides the job, I find it impossible to meet any men that are my age who aren’t dating women in their 30’s or 40’s. (I would too).
So that’s a tiny part of a long painful story, Life is beautiful and so am I…on the inside. I would just like the outside to match so I can enjoy more fully the years that I have left. Thank you.