Hello. My name is Rachel and I am an ugly female. By most peoples’ definitions, I truly objectively am. My inharmonious facial features have wrought havoc on my life from early childhood onward. In my youth, I was picked on for every single move I made or didn’t make; a situation which would have been somewhat less all-consuming if I came closer to what is generally thought of as “conventionally attractive”.
As my youth transitioned into young adulthood, I found myself competing in the job marketplace. Despite possessing a Summa cum Laude BA, I am frequently turned down for even the most mundane of employment opportunities. I always seem to pass phone interviews with flying colours, but rarely are in-person interviews successful. While my would-be employers would deny it on a conscious level, I suspect I have been denied several positions due to my lack of physical appeal.
Though my body does not conform to modelesque standards, it is generally considered to be proportionate and attractive. My face, however, is in need of drastic correction. I am 32, and if I do not take drastic action now, I will fall victim to ageism in addition to the lookism by which I am currently plagued. All I want is a viable future and the potential to provide for myself, since due to the rules of SMV, my fiance may prove unable to provide for us both.
In any case, I would very much like a slimmer and more refined nose, in better harmony with my facial features. Additionally, I would like an eye-lift; a brow lift (esp. lateral) plus correction of a tear-trough deformity. If possible, I’d also like the mental crease to be softened, and could do with some lip definition. Possinle a cheek lift, too.
This is a horribly tough, competitive, and judgmental world. Looking at the images attached to this ad might engender feelings of disgust. Here’s hoping they also instigate empathy. Please help me to live, feel, and be treated like a human being.